Submit a Report

Publish with Camtree: Submit a Report

We are currently testing a fully-featured peer-review system which will allow you to submit your report, track its progress and receive feedback and advice from our editorial team. This will be available in 2024. In the meantime, please use this submission form and we will be in touch by email.

Thank you for choosing to submit your work to the Camtree Digital Library.

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Please tell us a little about yourself and the educational setting in which you work. Was the report written as part of a programme of study, as part of school-based development work, or in some other context?
What is the title as it appears on the report itself?
Paste the abstract text here. This will help us assign your report to an appropriate reviewer.
A list of keywords – these should appear in the report as well.
In what language is the report written. The abstract must be in English.
Educational Level
What level(s) of education are addressed in the report?
What is (or are) the broad curriculum area(s) addressed in the report?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Upload your report and any associated files (appendices, data files, learning resources) here.