Camtree launches the Think-Talk Toolbox
Camtree has launched a new resource – the Think-Talk Toolbox (TTT) – to help teachers to promote deep thinking, creativity, and effective teamwork. The Toolbox developed by Camtree Researcher Dr. Ji Ying features a balanced emphasis on thinking and talking skills and closely aligns with models of life competencies, transferable skills and 21st Century Learning.
Close to Practice Research, Educational Dialogue, News and Updates
Chinese Students in Unique Exchange
Camtree contributed to a unique exchange programme in which teacher trainees from Beijing Normal University’s Zhuhai Campus spent a month working in a Cambridgeshire primary school. The students spent a week at Hughes Hall learning about the UK’s education system and the role of teacher inquiry, before their placements at Meridian Primary School in Comberton.
Educational Dialogue e-Learning Modules Launched
Three brand new e-learning modules are now available here if you are registered with Camtree. The courses introduce the idea of educational dialogue, T-SEDA, and include a self-audit tool.
Writing a practitioner report from a masters thesis
Jamie Linale talks about the process of writing a practitioner-oriented report from his Masters thesis – with advice and tips for others interested in doing the same
Lesson Study: what is it? How does it work?
In this blog, Hannah Owen describes her experiences of taking part in Lesson Study, some of the distinctive features of the approach, and the benefits it brings for teachers and learners.
Camtree host school leaders from Sandnes Kommune, Norway
The Camtree team welcomed a delegation from Sandnes Kommune in Norway to Hughes Hall, to discuss opportunities to work together.
I’m a teacher – why should I be bothered about conducting research in my practice?
Hannah Owen, deputy head of The Grove Primary School in Cambridge, reflects on the role research has played in her professional learning. She highlights how the knowledge that teachers create is particularly valuable because it emerges from, and is embedded in, practice.
What is educational close to practice research? Who is it for, and why?
In this article, Dr. Alison Twiner, Camtree Research Associate, discusses the nature and role of close-to-practice research in education and the ways in which Camtree is seeking to support teacher-researchers.